Om vi tar observationer från forskningen och jämför dem de skrivna texterna kan man få en ledtråd kring symbolen av en ring.

Om vi startar med Odins öga på söljan (sett från ovan). Så kan denna tolkas som ”Cirkel med prick i centrum”..
En vidare uppföljning visar att vi har den abstrakta symbolen ”Cirkel med prick i centrum” – som en väldigt vanligt förekommande symbol på föremål under folkvandringstid.

Men, i vilket sammanhang ”dyker” denna abstrakta symbol upp i texterna?
Jo, vi vet att Herulernas symbol var just …. ”Cirkel med prick i centrum”.. (se nedan)
Troels Brandt skriver följande:
“A very interesting find in Finnestorp is a buckle showing the head of a man at the root of the lash. Bengt Nordqvist has convincingly argued for an interpretation as Odin drinking of the well of Mimer. Interesting too are the three circles at his cheeks – appearing to be tattoos. Sidonius Apollinaris described in 478 AD the many different people in Toulouse:
Here strolls the Herulian with his glaucious cheeks . This is by the scholars interpreted as blue/green tattoos at the cheeks, but though it is mentioned by Sidonius as a special mark of the Heruls also other people probably used tattoos – ae. in the Hunnic campaign. The circles, however, are quite similar with the red shield mark of the “Heruler Seniores” in Notitia Dignitatum from around 410 AD (copy from 1400 AD). In this way the two only visible signs known from descriptions of the Heruls are found at this head in Finnestorp.” (“The Heruls in Scandinavia” av Troels Brandt

Notitia Dignitat um Heruli Seniores (Troels Brandt)